digital resources + programs

roots & fruits: a group program for the daughters of immigrants

A co-created space where we can talk deeply, share honestly, and offer reciprocal support.

We need creative solutions to our issues that aren’t going to come from western psychology. We need practical tools. We need targeted learning. We need a supportive environment. We need culturally-informed guidance. We need EACH OTHER. You deserve a space that was created specifically for you.

  • One month immersive program including Zoom sessions, tailored exercises and resources, and a community group chat.

  • Led by Dr. Pauline Yeghnazar Peck, Licensed psychologist and Iranian-Armenian daughter of immigrants.

  • Program costs less than 4 individual therapy sessions and offers so much more. $1250 paid in full or 3-month payment plan option.

how we get thru:
learn how to set healthy boundaries with your immigrant parents

Struggling with setting boundaries with your immigrant parents? Since this is one of the TOP issues for the children of immigrants, my new course is here to support you! It's

  • short (36 minutes long)

  • convenient (available via app)

  • accessible (under $50)

This course will help you understand why this is so difficult and is FULL of practical, culturally-informed guidance that you can implement immediately.

free translation guide

Do your immigrant parents love you, and also, sometimes say things that confuse, irritate, upset, or hurt you? 

Receive my free guide today that will walk you through three common scenarios, highlighting what they actually mean and how best to respond in order to create a more peaceful dynamic.

A Book Club for the Children of Immigrants

Monthly book club with topics relevant to our experiences. Includes monthly book giveaway and monthly Instagram Live. 

Click here for a list of books we’ve read so far.

Sign up today to receive a free reading guide with prompts to help you get the most of the experience.

a book club for the children of immigrants monthly book club giveaway

culture + connection program

This program guides you through:

  • Understanding your personal and collective narrative, making critical links between the past and the PRESENT to help you transform your future

  • Rewiring generational patterns that may have helped you and your family survive back then, but aren't helping you thrive NOW

  • Developing new ways of seeing relationships with family members, significant others, your children, and most importantly, YOURSELF.

    • 1 month of support with me including sessions and texting/ voice messaging support outside of sessions.

    • Exclusive transformational exercises and tools to take with you as you navigate your journey with familial and interpersonal relationships.

    • Practical tools to help you understand your culture and your individuality and integrate both in a way that’s healthy for you.

    • And CUSTOMIZED additions specific to YOUR struggles and needs.

    Get this high-level, individualized attention before it’s gone!

    Apply today for a complimentary call with me to see if I can help you truly uplevel your life, your wellbeing and your legacy for your future!

❇ blog notes: